Horizontal Directional Drilling

What is Routable Horizontal Drilling?


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Routable horizontal drilling technology is a more technological way of building underground pipelines, cables and service channels without excavation. The differentiation of the routable horizontal drilling method from the other methods is to provide the desired new line or lines by saving considerable time compared to the primitive methods without damaging the existing superstructure. Routable horizontal drilling consists of three steps.

The first stage is the pilot drilling stage. At this stage a small pilot hole is opened. The present drilling fluid is pumped through the drill pipes in a compressed manner towards the auger bit. The drilling fluid sprays in a pressurized manner through the holes in front of the drill bit. The pressurized drilling fluid from the drill bit enables the hole to be successfully formed, while at the same time reducing the risk of submersing the drill bits, thus preventing wear of the tools. The machine operator using the horizontal drilling machine can follow the drilling by receiving the signal from the probe named device at the drilling end. This process is performed by locating device. The locating device is equipped with 2 monitors. The first monitor is in front of the machine operator. The second monitor is located on the locating device. The person using the locating device finds the signal of the probe in the piercing head, moving according to the drilling pipes that the machine operator sends underneath. The locating devise shows clockwise, percent slope andunderground depth of the drill bit. After the pilot drilling operation is completed, the second stage is carried out.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]yataysondajj[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The second stage is the stage of expanding the pilot hole. For this purpose, the expansion heads are used according to the diameter of the pipes to be drawn. Once the pilot hole is completed, the drill is disassembled from the drill pipe and the expansion head is inserted in its place. The machine operator begins to withdraw the drilling kit by spraying the existing drilling fluid in a compressed manner. The drilling fluid helps to form the tunnel by spraying in a pressurized manner through the holes in the expansion head. As the expanding head expands the floor it rends materials in front of it, these materials are thrown out of the floor along with the drilling fluid. Bentonite and other additives used in drilling fluid to provide a more balanced hole. Well-formed drilling fluid prevents plugging in the hole. Thanks to the drilling fluid, acake layer shaped tunnel is formed underground. Then the team is sent forward again.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]